Celebrate the legacy of one of Oklahoma’s most noted artists when Tulsa City-County Library recognizes the 100th birthday of Woody Guthrie and his music.     

   Families are invited to Central Library, Fourth Street and Denver Avenue, July 14 at 11 a.m. for a piece of birthday cake and a special performance by Caroline Johnson.  Johnson, a local educator, musician and storyteller, will use washboards, tambourines and more to accompany Guthrie’s children's songs, and maybe even a dance or two.  We plan to be “singa jinga linga jinga linga jinnnnng.” This free event is sponsored by the Tulsa Library Trust.

   In addition to Johnson’s performance, customers can see an exhibit, “Woody Guthrie: A Centennial Celebration,” featuring official reproductions from the Woody Guthrie Archives including handwritten songs, art and photographs.  A brief video included in the display highlights some of Guthrie’s notable accomplishments.  The exhibit is made possible through the generosity of the George Kaiser Family Foundation, the Woody Guthrie Archives, The Grammy Museum, Gilcrease Museum and The University of Tulsa. 

   The library also has DVDs and books, available for checkout, featuring many of Guthrie’s most famous songs and stories about his struggles for equality.

   For more information on this special birthday celebration, call the AskUs Hotline, 918-549-7323, or visit the library’s website, www.tulsalibrary.org.

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