With more than 6 million items in its collections, the Tulsa City-County Library has something for everyone. Search through our catalog of books, music, and movies available for checkout. Download audiobooks, eBooks, magazines, music, or movies from our digital collection. Our staff members can even create personalized reading lists just for you.

Yoga for Every Body
Join us at the Central Library for a free beginner-friendly yoga class taught by certified yoga instructor Beth Richmond. Every Tuesday at 6 PM CST.
For details, see our events calendar: https://tulsalibrary.org/events
Interlibrary Loan (or ILL)
Interlibrary Loan (or ILL) is a service through which a large number of libraries from different cities and states can share their materials with each other. Tulsa City-County Library is part of an ILL lending group including over 200 libraries in Oklahoma and surrounding states.
If an item you’re looking for is not available in the TCCL catalog, try ILL. From your search results page, click on the link in the top right corner saying ‘Try your search in OCLC ILL.’ This will automatically begin the search for your item in WorldCat, the ILL catalog.
You can also access WorldCat directly here: https://tulsacitycounty.on.worldcat.org/discovery
Find your item in WorldCat via ILL? You can request it following these three quick steps:
- Click the blue ‘Request item through Interlibrary Loan’ button.
- Enter your last name and library card to log into your ILL account.
- Choose your local branch for pickup at the bottom of the loan form and submit request.
You have now placed a request on the ILL item. You can track the status of your request between the lending library and TCCL in your WorldCat account. ILL requests will only be visible in your Bibliocommons account on the TCCL website from the time the item is received in Resource Sharing until you return it to your library.
Note: ILL requests may be filled or canceled, depending on the availability of the item. The ILL catalog includes materials owned by libraries across the U.S. and in other countries. Many of those libraries are outside our regional lending area, and their materials may not be obtainable for loan.
Learn more here
Suggest A Title
Don't see something in our collection? You can suggest titles for your library to buy here.
Go to Suggest a Title
Library Text Alerts
With library text alerts you can receive text messages when
- items you requested are ready for pickup
- items you have checked out are due soon
- items you have checked out are overdue
Go to Library Text Alerts
Library ELF
Library E.L.F. will:
- Track your library items and requests.
- Help you avoid overdue fines and missed requests.
- Send you courtesy notices (via text, email or RSS) before your items are due.
- Remind you when your requests are ready for pickup or items are due.
- If you wish, consolidate all of your family’s library cards into one E.L.F. account.
Go to Library ELF
Legacy Catalog
If you had an account on our previous catalog system, you can still access it by visiting our legacy catalog.