Welcome back to the AEP Digital Literacy Lab page!
Digital Literacy Lab Orientations are now offered in-person on Mondays at 11 a.m. and Thursdays at 6 p.m. Please see the online calendar for upcoming programs.



The American Electric Power/Public Service Company of Oklahoma Foundation Digital Literacy Lab is a creator-focused working space for the customers of Tulsa City-County Library that was opened in October of 2016. Library visitors may use the Digital Literacy Lab to develop new apps and software skills, try out new pieces of equipment, digitize family history, and more. We provide Orientations twice monthly for the Digital Literacy Lab, along with special programs and classes throughout the year geared towards all ages.

2019 Library of the Future Award

Tulsa City-County Library received the 2019 Library of the Future Award, sponsored by the American Library Association and Information Today Inc. TCCL was selected for its innovative Digital Literacy Lab. This annual award is designed to recognize innovative planning, applications, or development of focused customer support relating to information technology in libraries.


Are you new to the Digital Literacy Lab?

All users are required to attend a Digital Literacy Lab Orientation before using the Digital Literacy Lab. Join us Mondays at 11 a.m. or Thursdays at 6 p.m. to attend an orientation.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost to use the Digital Literacy Lab?

There is no cost to use the Digital Literacy Lab and its equipment. Customers must provide their own materials – DVDs, gloves, USB drives, etc.

When do you have Orientations?

Digital Literacy Lab staff host Digital Literacy Lab Orientations weekly. Join us Mondays at 11 a.m. or Thursdays at 6 p.m. to attend an orientation. 

The Flight Simulator Orientation schedule can be found with the Digital Literacy Lab staff. We offer orientations everyday.

Can you teach me how to use (Photoshop, Final Cut Pro X, etc.)?

The Digital Literacy Lab is a self-directed working space. Staff will work to provide you with all the resources the library has at its disposal to assist you with your work. It is the responsibility of all our customers to learn how to use the resources and develop their own project ideas.

Want to learn how to edit a video in Final Cut Pro X, make a graphic with Adobe Illustrator, or learn 3D modeling? That and more can be discovered through the libraries online learning resources. Check out both LinkedIn Learning and ArtistWorks and sign in with your card number and password to get started!

I love your resources, but I wish you had (equipment, software, programming, etc.)

If you have a suggestion, please speak with a Digital Literacy Lab staff member, and we will take your suggestions under consideration.

I'm with an organization/community group. Would it be possible to facilitate a program to utilize the Digital Literacy Lab for us?

We are always open to collaborating with our community in whatever ways we can. Contact us through email at DLL@tulsalibrary.org, and a staff member will get back with you to discuss your idea.