Tulsa City-County Library’s children’s and teen summer reading programs are nearing the half-way point.  To give readers and extra incentive to keep the pages turning, the library is teaming with the Tulsa Zoo.
   Join us for a midsummer celebration June 30, 9 a.m.-noon, to learn about animals, visit the new Helmerich Sea Lion Cove and enjoy other fun activities.  Children and teens who show their summer reading logs or sign up for the summer reading program will receive free admission to the zoo that morning.
   TCCL’s summer reading program continues through July 28.  Free family programs continue at all locations, ranging from children’s music performers and storytellers to Lego building contests.  Children who visit the library four times and read eight books will receive a medal of achievement and coupons for free food and entertainment.  Children who read 20 books will receive a plush bat as a bonus prize.  Teens must read six books to complete the program to earn a multicolor LED pen and coupons for free food and entertainment.  Those completing the program are entered into the end-of-summer drawing for prizes.
   Visit any TCCL location for a complete list of prizes or to sign up for the summer reading program.