Program Guidelines [Sept 16-April 24]
- Parents/Guardians of 3rd-8th graders interested in receiving free one to one homework assistance at the library, must register each student online.
- A library card number is needed to complete the form. Link to register for a library card:
- The After-School Homework Club Coordinator will contact all qualified registrants and set up a time for parents/guardians and the site facilitator to complete paperwork.
- Based on their homework assistance needs, registered students will be assigned a Homework Coach to work with them weekly for up to 30 minutes.
Due to the high volume of participants, parents must provide prior notice when canceling a homework session
Absenteeism, and/or no-call, no-show sessions, may result in a loss of participation in program for the remainder of the school year.
Guidelines for a successful experience at the club
School work isn't always fun but it can be a positive learning experience. In order to maximize your student's 30 minute session we ask that you read the following tips:
- Show up to your weekly sessions- Even if the student doesn't have homework. Our dedicated staff will have materials and fun educational games ready on hand to continue to strengthen the students core subject knowledge.
- Missed sessions- Please call, text or email at least one hour before your appointment time so we don't worry. We will Call, Text or Email you if, we need to cancel your session.
- No Ghosting- This program is seven months long; students are not required to participate the entire length of the program. Most don't, and that's okay. Life happens, schedules change, students no longer need help. Whatever the reason, let us know and we will take on a new student.
- If you have homework, Bring it!- We'd love to see what you are working on
- During session- Focus, focus, fun! Only the student and homework helper are present during the appointment. No siblings, pets or parents. Students will be supervised during their entire session.
- After Session- We know you don't want to leave because the session was oodles of fun. "Parting is such sweet sorrow". You must exit the room/area so the next session can begin. Students can hang out in the library unsupervised while they wait for their rides to pick them up.
- Your opinion matters- Students and parents will periodically be asked to complete program surveys. Surveys are short and sweet and you might get a treat!
Online Registration Forms in English and Spanish
Policies, Forms and Acknowledgements
- Child Safety in the Library
- Conduct Expectations While in the Library
- Library Cards
- Filming and Photography- Link contains form for requesting permission to start approval process. Images, videos or audio of library staff cannot be captured without prior consent
Participating Locations

Sites that offer homework assistance have varying hours of operation, click on individual links for directions and other services.
Broken Arrow Library
Brookside Library
Kendall Whittier Library
Maxwell Park Library
Martin Regional Library
Glenpool Library
Jenks Library
¡En Español! El Club de las Tareas

►Inscripción ◄
►Para participar en el club de las tareas, necesitan estar registrados◄
[Los solicitantes serán llamados en orden recibido, Su paciencia es apreciada.]
‣ El servicio es gratis y se ofrece de lunes a jueves, 3:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. , Empezando el 16 de septiembre y culminando el 24 abril
‣Los participantes tienen que tener una tarjeta de la biblioteca del condado de Tulsa para registrarse antes de la primera cita.
Registro para obtener una tarjeta:
‣ Los estudiantes tienen que traer su tareas, materiales y asignación. Si los estudiantes no traen su tarea, el facilitador/a tendrá otros trabajos escolar para completar
‣ Cada semana los estudiantes en el programa recibirá 30 minutos de asistencia con las tareas
‣ A los padres de familia y estudiantes se les pedirá que contesten periódicamente unos cuestionarios.
‣ Mientras los estudiantes estén en el club de las tareas, ellos estarán bajo la supervisión de un Facilitador e Instructores de Tareas.
‣ Los estudiantes tienen que retirarse al fin de la clase. Voluntarios y empleados de la biblioteca no son responsables por los estudiantes después de su sesión
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a fee? The program is free to library patrons.
Can homeschooled kids sign up for this program? Yes, as long as someone in the family has a library card and the child is in grades 3-8.
Can my child receive more time? Due to popularity of program, students are only allotted 30 minutes per week.
Do I have to stay in the library while my child is in their appointment? Children left unattended in the library are expected to be mature enough to follow the library rules on their own and able to take responsibility for their own safety without an adult.
I live near Martin Regional Library but my child's school is closer to Brookside Library, do we have to participate at our home library? No, You can choose any one of the five libraries.
Duties & Qualifications
🍎 Homework Coaches provide support and assistance to children in grades 3-8 who need a little extra help with their homework assignments.These activities will take place at the library’s After-School Homework Club sites
🍏 Participating children will be assisted one-to-one or in small groups. Homework Coaches will provide clarity, direction and understanding of the child’s homework assignments. They will also promote appropriate library resources and materials.
🍎 Volunteers must be at least 18 years old, well-organized, and team players who can communicate effectively with children, parents, and Library personnel. They must be self-directed, culturally-sensitive, computer and Internet literate, and able to write clearly and concisely. They must have a knowledge of basic school subjects including reading, English, writing, science and mathematics.
Homework Coaches are positive role models for the children with whom they work.
Homework Coaches Needed!
Homework can be a hassle and a stressor for many students.
Tulsa City-County Library is here to help with After-School Homework Club!
In order to provide this much needed service, the library is reaching out to the community asking for volunteers/Homework Coaches to work with students at any one of its After-School Homework Clubs.
Fill out an application online → HERE! ←
Call 918-549-7495 for more information.
Time Commitment
Homework assistance is provided from:
September through April
- Appointments are scheduled in 30 minute sessions for each student from Monday -Thursday.
- Number of volunteers assigned at a location is dependent on need
Various schedules are available at the following library locations:
- Brookside Library, 3:40-6:00 p.m.
- Broken Arrow Library, 4:40-7:00 p.m.
- Kendall Whittier Library, 3:40-6:00 p.m.,{Tues & Thurs}
- Martin Regional Library, 5:10-7:30 p.m.
- Maxwell Park Library, 3:40-6:00 p.m., {Mon & Wed}
- Glenpool Library, 3:40-6:00 p.m., {Tues & Thurs}
- Jenks Library, 3:40-6:00 p.m., {Mon & Wed}
Support for Coaches
Volunteer coaches will be provided an orientation to Library resources and training on how to ask children the right questions to best support their homework needs.
At each site, Homework Coaches will work alongside the After-school Homework Club Facilitators. It's a team effort!
Student Center, LearningExpress Library
Resources for elementary, middle, and high school students:
- Prepare for important tests
- Boost skills in core subjects – Math, Reading Comprehension, Writing and Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling
- Extra practice with standard tests
The School Center offers:
- Practice Tests
- Exercises
- Skills-building Courses
- eBooks
- And more!
Homework HelpNow
Live tutoring – Available seven days a week, 2-11 p.m. English and Spanish-speaking tutors are available (Central Standard Time).
Writing Lab – Simply upload your document, and one of their writing experts will analyze it and provide useful comments.
Flashbulb – Create and share flashcards, tests and games.
For Homework HelpNow, search Brainfuse HelpNow! in App Store or Google Play.
Additional Library Resources
Visit us online for a complete alphabetical list of free services available to TCCL library card holders 24/7.
American Experience Sources Best for students in grades 4-12:
- African-American Full-text resource explores the history and culture of African Americans, and provides a wealth of primary sources.
- American Indian Full-text resource exploring the histories and contemporary cultures of the indigenous peoples of the United States.
- Latino American History and culture of Latinos living in the United States. Content spans from the pre-Columbian Indigenous civilizations of the Americas to present-day U.S. Latinos.
Electric Library Full-text access to a wide variety of magazines, newspapers, reference books for the Arts, History, Science and more! Best for students in grades 4-12.
Gale Virtual Reference Library High-quality specialized encyclopedias and other reference sources available online from the library or remotely 24/7. Best for students in grades 6-12.
Issues & Controversies Hot topics in politics, government, business, education, and popular culture are updated weekly, with a 13-year backfile of in-depth articles. Best for students in grades 6-12.
Learn a New Language with Mango Languages
Mango is an online language-learning system that can help you learn by listening to native speakers and engaging in the interactive lessons offered through this user-friendly language instruction tool. Use your library card to access Mango Languages.
If you're outside of the library, access Mango Languages here by entering your last name and your complete library card number with no spaces.
Choose from nearly 40 languages, including:
- Spanish
- French
- Japanese
- Cherokee
- German
- Mandarin Chinese
- English as a Second Language
- Vietnamese
- Thai
- Russian
- Italian
- Greek
- Vietnamese
More Online Resources
IXL Practice Math and Language Arts To use the full resources this site is fee-based, but there are excellent tools offered for FREE for children's practice activities based on their skill level. Grade 3 Skills for example includes Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication in the Math section and in Language Arts practice on Nouns, Pronouns, Compound Words and more. Best for grades K-12; Fee-based Services.
CoolMath Explanations on topics from algebra to fractions, pre-calculus, geometry and trig. This site includes links to math games, resources for teachers and parents, a math dictionary and practice tests. Best for grades 6+; Free Services.